Using Hashtags

It's easy to add tags to your logged time. Just like on Twitter and Facebook, start a tag with a "#" sign to automatically mark it as a tag.

Depending on your account configuration, not all users are allowed to create tags. If you can't create tags yourself, please ask a supervisor to add them for you.

As on Twitter, hashtags can't have spaces in them, and they can't be all numbers. You can use practically any other character, though!

Here are some examples of hashtags:


Tags that end with a star (asterisk) "*" are automatically marked as unbillable. The time entry will not be used on invoices.

You can enter both tags and descriptive text whenever you log time in the TAGS OR DESCRIPTION field of the quick entry box.

A tag is like a category, except you can use more than one tag (or none at all) on a given entry. A description is a longer note about what you've worked on but only for that particular entry. You can use tags within your description!

What makes a tag a tag?

As on Twitter, hashtags can't have spaces in them (you can use dashes and underscores!), and they can't be all numbers. They can be a maximum of 50 characters in length (not including the # or *).

You can use practically any other character, including non-latin alphabets, except for the following:

Spaces of any kind (including tabs, returns, etc)
These punctuation characters: % | . , ' " ? ! ( ) : ; * # | .
Ideographic stops used in some Asian languages: '。' and '。'

Noko will highlight tags while you type so it's easy to see if you used one of these disallowed characters (you'll probably never run into this).

I have a description I don't want to be parsed for tags, how do I do that?

Noko automatically creates tags from anything that starts with a "#" character and is not just numbers. But what if you don’t want them to be tags?

There are two ways to avoid this:

  1. Use a double hash mark "##" in front of a single word to tell Noko “this is not a tag!"
  2. Use a double exclamation mark "!!" to make everything following it not be parsed for tags.


  • #tag, ##not-a-tag
  • here is a #tag !! but #these #are #not