Deleting projects

To delete a project, the project must be empty. It can’t have any time entries, invoices or uninvoiced expenses in it. This is for your protection, because time is your livelihood. :)

We highly recommend that you archive your projects instead of deleting them. That way, you can always review them later.

If you’re bound & determined to delete a project that has entries, invoices or uninvoiced expenses, follow these three steps

  1. If the project has time entriesdelete them or reassign them to another project.
  2. If the project has uninvoiced expenses, delete them.
  3. If the project has invoices, delete them.
  4. Click on the project from anywhere in Noko to go to the project page.
  5. Click the permanently delete button in the top right hand corner. 

Don't see the permanently delete button? That's because your project isn't empty.  

You can't undo deleting a project so be sure you really want to delete the project!