Recurring Budgets
Do you have hard limits on weekly, monthly, or quarterly hours when you bill by the hour? Need help getting enough time in for those aspirational time goals, like building new skills? Or you use retainers and have a client that only need 5 hours of work each month? These projects are tough to track with regular budgets, that's why Noko supports Recurring Budgets!
Setting up a recurring budget
Go to a project page and click edit budget, then click "+ new budget"
Enter the date range and amount of hours budgeted for each budget period (you can use fractions like 12.5).
In the Renews dropdown menu, choose weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly repeating budgets. You decide when the clock should restart.
Click Save.
Analyzing budget overruns
Once a Recurring Budget is set, keeping tabs on how the venture is progressing is a matter of glancing over the graph on the project page. See how much time has been spent and billed per period over the course of the project. The graph shows information for the whole duration of the project by default, hovering over periods will show details for those periods.
The dashed red line indicates your budget setting—you'll see with a glance when you went over budget in any period!
Free bonus: You also get this graph if the project doesn't have any budgets! And we divvy it up between billable and unbillable time for you.