Creating new tags

Note: The account owner can set restrictions on who is allowed to add new tags to Noko. If you can't add new tags, and think you need extra tags, please talk to an administrator. Learn about permissions in Noko

There's two ways to create new tags in Noko. The first one is the one you'll probably end up using most of the time, just use a new tag when logging time—done! If you need to add a whole bunch of tags, you can do that from the Tags page.

Creating tags while logging time

The easiest way to add tags to Noko is simply to use them while tracking time:
Noko will tell you with a little message when you'll add new tags so you can check if you really wanted them (and it's not just a typo).

To make a tag unbillable, just add a star "*" (asterisk) to the end of the tag.

Any newly created tags will be immediately available to all people in your Noko account.

If you didn't intend to make new tags and see a tag highlighted in red, hover over it to see a suggestion (suggestions are only when Noko finds a close match):

Creating or importing many tags at once

This is mostly helpful when you want to restrict tag usage to a pre-defined set of tags. Of course, you can always add more tags, or edit or remove them.

  1. Go to Tags in the green navigation sidebar.
  2. Click + add tags.
  3. Enter as many tags as you like, separated by commas or newlines.
  4. Click Add Tags.

If you want to create unbillable tags, add a star "*" (asterisk) to the end of the tag name. Don't worry if you enter tags that already exist, as Noko will just ignore duplicates

The newly created tags will be immediately available to all people in your Noko account.